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Choose Your Human Design Reading

  • 40+ Page Custom Guidebook

    ✦ Delivered within 7 business days of purchase

    ✦ Part 1: Human Design Overview

    ✦ Part 2: Your Energy Type Deep Dive | Includes common misconceptions and subtypes where relevant

    ✦Part 3: Authority & Profile | A framework for aligned decision making according to your profile.

    ✦ Part 4: All 26 individual gate placements outlined and described for you to understand the nuance and details of your chart.

  • Pre-Recorded Reading

    ✦ Delivered within 7 business days of purchase

    ✦ 45-minute personalized audio recording containing a detailed exploration of key themes and patterns in your chart.

    ✦ Delivered with a 40+ page in-depth guidebook

    ✦Option to focus on specific life areas through the booking form.

    ✦Perfect for those seeking deeper insight into their personal energy dynamics.

  • Premium Reading & Consultation

    ✦ 60-minute one-on-one live reading over Zoom.

    ✦ Accompanied by a 40+ page comprehensive guidebook and a 10-page presentation.

    ✦ Detailed analysis of your individual gate placements, incarnation theme, karma type, decision-making style, and profile archetypes.

    ✦ Tailored for individuals seeking a transformative, in-depth exploration of their Human Design.

Human Design, Spiritual Growth Kristen Rice Human Design, Spiritual Growth Kristen Rice

What Does It Mean To Be A Generator In Human Design?

Generators have powerful and magnetic auras that can create their own energy and momentum. With a defined Sacral energy center, they have consistent access to a regenerative inner life force.

This creates a consistent, steady, energy output when they use their energy in aligned ways. They are doers, builders, and problem solvers who can sustain steady momentum forward.

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Kristen Rice Kristen Rice

Race In America: History To Know

I want you to know that there is a belief by many in the spiritual community if you look or talk about what isn’t working that you’ll attract more of that. It’s not true.

If you only live your life only looking at love & light and refuse to look at what else is happening, you cannot possibly reach your spiritual potential because you are completely denying your full experience. Life is multifaceted.

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Spiritual Growth Kristen Rice Spiritual Growth Kristen Rice

Holiday Tip: Call In Grace

For some, family can be their greatest source of security, stability, trust, love, and belonging. For others, family might be the single biggest catalyst into all of their pain.

For many, it’s a complicated bit of both. Our familial relationships hold so many-layered lessons, blessings, and karmic teachings.

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Deep, rooted, spiritual growth for the modern world.

Whether you’re looking for a one-time intuitive reading, a foundational package of Human Design readings, or a custom and personal signature coaching program there’s a sacred soul offering to meet you on your personal growth journey. Unlock and reconnect to the purpose of this life’s incarnation.