Solstice Conjunction Akashic Record Message


I connected to the Akashic Records and asked two questions today for this community:

  1. With the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere) where we get to turn back into the light, and also the great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, some would say this is a dawning of a new age—I'm curious what message the Akashic Records has for us this exact time right now?

  2. What's the number one message you have for humanity right now?

I’ve attached the written transcript below unedited. This is a living transmission, what’s more important than the words is the energy behind it being channeled and received within your energetic blueprint from the Akashic Records. Whether you prefer to listen or to read, may these messages land with deep love.

When channeling, I have no control over the speed of which words come through. The records speak through me in drawn out words and can be a meditative act of patience as they complete their phrases.

Also, because it is a transmission, the transcription hasn’t been edited for grammar and appears as spoken in the recording.

You are as capable as any other.

You are as powerful as any other.

You are as strong as any other.

You have as much light and love in you as any other.

You have as much darkness in you as any other.

You are a whole universe inside of itself.


It’s the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year where we get to turn back into the light. And also the great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. Some would say the dawning of a new (Aquarius) age. I'm curious what message the Akashic Records has for us this exact time right now?

Dear ones, do not to be afraid.

We are so happy about the direction your community (the community reading this) is turning towards and the collective is starting to wake up on some grand levels. Sometimes when we anticipate change, we can be afraid that we are not ready yet for what is to come. And know that you have chosen to be here at this time in your body and in your life. That where you are, is perfect.

And that the changes that you've been going through this last year and the way you've been evolving within your heart space and opening up your mind and challenging yourself in new ways, and seeing the world for what it has become, is all purposeful in your greater evolution.

And we mean your greater evolution from both the micro level but also the macro level where your timeline within humanity is beginning to shift in a new direction.

Now the changes that are coming happen incrementally over time. And so while we can have big things happen, like a grand alignment of planets, and the shifting of time, we also are living in a day to day reality construct of which we might not perceive big changes happening outside of us from a moment to moment basis.

And yet, we are all evolving and changing every second. It's as if you are holding a baby and you don't see them for a whole year. How big those changes seem, when you see them again, and yet if you were to be the one with that baby day after day after day after day, you will not see the changes in the same way it wouldn't be as abrupt.

So be gentle with yourself when you feel you aren't transforming as fast as you like. For you are in a state of emergence. Just as the butterfly leaves a dark cocoon of where the caterpillar dissolved from itself and lit itself down into ashes so that it can be reborn. This is where you are and the rebirthing process is tedious and hard.

And yes, we can approach it with a joyful heart, we can approach the change knowing that if we choose to be rooted in our own love that shines out from your heart space, like a golden sun itself, that the changes that occur outside of us are nothing compared to the power that is inside of us.

And so you must reclaim some of that power. Letting go of the old victim stories you tell yourselves, we are moving out of the age of victimness, which is patterned into human consciousness so deeply. And yet over time, and time in a grand aspect, that archetype will start to be patterned out as those who come into the new timeline will remember their power as new creators.

Things are shifting in a way that you cannot fully understand in your human bodies. The physics of it, the multidimensionality of it, the many worlds of it, the multiple timelines and lives in the splitting of realities and inter dimensionality of it—is too great for you to wrap your head around. And so all that you need to know is that all that is happening is purposeful and meaningful.

And all you can do is show up and continue to grow and be willing to do the work to evolve your consciousness. And you are here, so you are willing.

As you turn back towards the light in the Northern Hemisphere, and in the Southern Hemisphere, they turn back towards the darkness. How beautiful that this is, we often forget in our self centeredness, we think the solstices are about one way of being. But actually, they are both at the same time. The return to light and the return to darkness—two halves of the same world. One half experiences the light, while the other half experiences the dark. And it switches throughout the year.

How beautiful the metaphor this is for our lives and the darkness and light that exist within you.

That at any given time, you are both returning to the light and the dark within you that the darkest parts of ourselves and the lightest parts of ourselves are all but different sides of the same coin.

And what is there in the center of your being is the whole completeness of who you are. May you sit in knowing that there is no use in running towards one side or the other. That they complement each other, and that two parts make one whole.


What's the number one message you have for humanity right now?

Be gentle with yourselves.

This is a trying time for all. Some are feeling it more charged than others. Their safety and security and stability are being compromised in a way that has them fighting to survive in a very primal state of being, while others are finding the challenges in a different way—challenges of self-actualization, challenges of relationship, unwinding, or compression.

And so there are different levels of struggle happening throughout humanity at different points within the chakra system. And none are necessarily worse or better than others. While some (challenges) might seem deeply extremist, those in war, those in refugee camps, those on the streets, those in the hospitals.

And then there are those who are wrestling with concepts of self, and concepts of the world, and concepts of their own mind, which can be a certain kind of hell within itself—the mind that traps us into certain ways of being that then causes ourselves and who we are to be locked in its own kind of prison.

And so there are many that are suffering at the hands of decisions by others and power struggles, religious doctrine, judgments, right and wrong—or shall we say the illusion of right or wrong.

And then there are others who are suffering in the prison of the lives that they've created for themselves—which are so far out of alignment, that it can be quite painful in itself.

And so understanding that you are alive at this time of great transformation, within yourself and outside of yourself. And the key to your liberation lies in remembering who you are outside of the programming, and the fear, and the judgment, and the dogma, and the doctrine, and what we've told ourselves—the stories about who we are and where we come from and how it's been in the past. These are not stories that serve you any longer.

We have to let go and create a new way of being in the future.

Dissolving the separateness, dissolving the labels, dissolving the me or you, dissolving the pain, dissolving the internal prisons, dissolving the external prisons, dissolving the fight for resources, dissolving the fight to live so that you can be free in your own life.

What would make you feel more free in your own life?

How do you break the chains that you already hold?

How do you break out of your own victimization to take back your power?

And we are not saying that you have never been victimized and that you have not been a victim, we are simply saying that you can not play that role forever or else you will never take back your power which is rightfully yours.

You are as capable as any other.

You are as powerful as any other.

You are as strong as any other.

You have as much light and love in you as any other.

You have as much darkness in you as any other.

You are a whole universe inside of itself.

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