What Are The Gates In Human Design?

The Gates In Human Design

In the Human Design System, gates are inspired by the specific points within the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, a Chinese divination system that correspond to specific energies or themes.

Each gate is represented by a number from 1 to 64 and is associated with a certain energetic quality or theme. The placement of these gates within a person's Human Design chart provides insight into their unique characteristics, tendencies, and potential.

The gates are used to understand the dynamics of a person's energy, including how they process information, make decisions, and interact with the world around them. Some common themes associated with the gates include communication, creativity, leadership, and relationships.

Like a physical gate, Human Design gates open or close the energy flow to and from each of the nine Human Design energy centers. They are points of entry and exit in the bodygraph chart that represents the energetic structure of the human body.

Gates are connected to specific energy centers and are used to interpret the energy flow within the system. They act as filters, allowing certain types of energy in and out of the system, and can be used to identify personality traits, tendencies, and characteristics.


The numbers on the sides of your Human Design chart show your activated gates/gene keys and represent energies you always carry with you.

The spread and type of gates activated in your chart shows a very personal narrative about who you were designed to be in this life. For me as a reader, the magic of Human Design truly lives in the gates and what makes each person unique.

Understanding the bigger energy dynamics of aura/energy type, authority, and strategy are important, but it can be even more healing and reinforcing to understand your chart on a more targeted, personal level.

The Two Sides Of The Human Design Chart

On each Human Design Chart, you will see two columns of numbers—one column on the left side and another on the right side of the chart.


The gates listed on the left side of the chart showcase our unconscious patterns, habits, and energy inherited and imprinted from our ancestral line and carried with us from past lives. This energy is operating under the surface that you may or may not be as aware of but is usually seen and noticed by others.


The gates listed on the right side of the chart show how you were designed to be in this incarnation to complement your life's journey. These are the conscious energies you are working with and likely know or are aware of. We consciously see these things within ourselves when we dive into self-connection and self-awareness.


In addition to the individual gate energies you hold and whether they are unconscious or conscious, each gate has an astrological activation. This adds a specific focus to the flavor or energy of the gate expression.

Each planetary or astrological activation has a way it expresses, so the combination of your individual gate energies, if they are unconscious or conscious, and what planetary activation they have will all tell a different story.

In Human Design, each planet is seen as a different lens through which the energy of a Gate can be expressed. The exact meaning of a planet's influence in a gate will depend on the specific gate in that activation and how it compares to the rest of your Human Design chart.

Read about what each planet represents here: The 13 Planetary Activations In Human Design

Ready to Book A Human Design Session?

Get a 40+ Comprehensive Guidebook of your comprehensive energetic blueprint/map and how your auric signature interacts with the world around it. Receive actionable, understandable, and practical information about aligned decision making and strategies to apply to everyday life.

Learn how your personal energy system (aura) functions independently and in the presence of others. Receive actionable, understandable, and practical information about aligned decision-making and strategies to apply to everyday life.

How To Work With Your Gates

Learn and Identify Your Gates:

Once you identify all of your gates, you can start to learn about the specific energies and potentials associated with each and where in your chart they are activated. If you’d like this done for you, you can get a full 40+ page report with each detailed gate placement below.

Get to Know Your Gates:

There is understanding them intellectually and then watching for how these show up in your life and how they express through you. Technically, each gate has six different ways it can express and a shadow and light expression of those six types. How you express your gates will be unique to you in context of the rest of your design and life’s experiences. Knowing your gates, can bring deeper self-awareness to cultivate self-understanding and knowledge.

Embrace Your Strengths:

Knowing your gates can help you identify your strengths and talents that you may have been conditioned out of embracing because it felt undervalued in your family of origin or your greater collective experiences. By seeing these strengths and innate qualities you hold, it can help you reconnect to pieces of yourself you’ve forgotten or lost. By embracing these qualities again, you can further developing these areas of your life.

Work on Your Challenges:

Understanding the gates in your chart can also help you identify areas where you may struggle or face challenges. You can work on developing strategies to overcome these challenges and develop new skills to help you navigate these areas of your life. It can also empower you to adjust your relationship and expression of the energy to support your goals and values.

Use Your Gates to Make Decisions:

Knowing your gates can help you make more informed decisions in your life. Along with your Human Design authority (decision-making style), you can use the energy and potentials associated with each gate to help guide your choices and actions looking at how aligned potential paths and opportunities are with the qualities you uniquely hold.

Seek Support from Others:

If you are struggling with a particular gate or area of your life, you can seek support from others who may have experience or expertise in that area. You can also connect with other people who have the same gates in their charts to learn from their experiences.

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